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Foods that Won't Raise Blood Sugar

Foods That Won’t Raise Blood Sugar

by Lily Fortin 23 May 2024

A healthy diet is vital for individuals with diabetes, as it’s one of the main factors that help with blood sugar regulation and proper glucose control. Even though it may seem challenging at first, the main thing is to be aware of all the recommendations, try to incorporate new rules gradually, and don’t be afraid to use a specialist’s services if you’re unsure how to regulate everything on your own.

Today, we would like to discuss foods that won’t cause a blood sugar spike; even though there are many limitations, you can still plan a creative diet full of tasty treats and gourmet meals. Join our discussion and write down all the helpful tips and tricks; we have plenty to offer here!

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Why Is It Important to Have a Well-Planned Diabetes Diet?

If you are learning to control diabetes and prediabetes, your healthcare provider will probably recommend talking to a dietitian to create a proper meal plan and discuss all the nuances of your nutrition. Eating well can make controlling blood glucose levels easier, decrease heart disease risks, help manage a healthy weight, and help deal with high blood pressure.

Not controlling your diet can increase calorie and carbohydrate intake, which can potentially lead to serious problems, one of which is hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. If not taken under control on time, it can lead to various issues, including kidney, nerve, and heart damage. Taking insulin on time and eating properly can help with insulin sensitivity and make it easier to maintain better health with minimum effort. That’s one of the main reasons you should always stay in touch with your doctor and inform them if anything goes wrong on your insulin journey.

Foods That Won’t Cause Blood Sugar Spikes

To lower blood sugar and maintain it within a safe range, you must follow a specially developed diet that suits your needs and health peculiarities. Below, we are going to list all the most beneficial products that may be included in your ratio to ensure you get the maximum from every food intake.

#1. Non-Starchy Vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are rich in fiber and are blood-sugar-friendly in general. Due to their beneficial characteristics, these products are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes, so consider adding such vegetables as mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, celery, and others to your diet. You may add them in the form of salads or cook a delicious addition to your pasta.

#2. Low-Glycemic Fruits

Did you know some fruits contain plenty of natural sugars and can cause blood sugar spikes? That’s why you should snack responsibly and pick the products carefully to maintain a proper diabetes diet. Consider fruit with a low glycemic index, such as apples, pears, berries, and oranges. You can eat them with Greek yogurt or add them to your oatmeal. Don’t be afraid to be creative here!

#3. Dark Leafy Greens

This type of product is incredibly beneficial for any person, but especially for individuals who manage diabetes. They contain plenty of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron. Besides, the high level of fiber helps with glucose control immensely. Kale, spinach, arugula, and other greens can make an excellent salad to add to your main plate. We recommend adding olive oil and avocado as your toppings to make it more delicious and even healthier.

#4. Healthy Fats

One of the most important things about healthy fats is that they can help slow digestion, which reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood. That’s why you won’t only stay fuller longer if you incorporate healthy fats into your diet but also prevent sugar spikes. Avocado, olive oil, chia, and pumpkin seeds are just a few examples of these fats that can be added to your usual diet.

#5. Whole Grains

One of the best things about whole grains is that they are considered food with a low glycemic index. The grains are unrefined and contain its bran part. This is an important part of providing fiber, which significantly slows down the sugar release in the bloodstream. Some common options you may consider include quinoa, oats, brown rice, etc. Besides, regular intake of whole grains can not only help manage blood sugar but also show a significant improvement in glycemic control. We would also recommend switching to whole-grain bread.

#6. Beans, Peas, and Lentils

All these foods are also called legumes; they are nutrient-dense and have a low glycemic index. Consider adding peas, beans, chickpeas, and others to your ratio. These work perfectly as a side dish or an addition to the soup. There are plenty of opportunities to get creative!

#7. Protein Sources

Protein is a perfect option to slow digestion, which can delay carbohydrate absorption into the blood. Plus, it takes longer for it to break down, so you feel fuller after you eat. An excellent example can be soy products, eggs, dairy, beans, and so on.

Tips for Proper Diabetes Meal Planning

Now that we know more about the products that can help regulate healthy blood sugar levels, let’s recollect some valuable tips and tricks that are quite handy for those planning their meals responsibly:

  • Try the ‘plate’ method. Sometimes, when you are hungry, you may eat more than you actually need. That’s why it’s helpful to visualize the amount of products you should consume to keep yourself full and energized. Start with filling half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, broccoli, etc. Next, fill one quarter with lean proteins: chicken, turkey, tofu, or eggs. Finally, fill another quarter with carb foods, like grains, starchy vegetables, rice, pasta, fruit, and so on. This way, you create a delicious, filling, and diverse plate;
  • Calculate your portion size. By trying various combinations, find the portion you feel comfortable with. Each organism is unique, so some people need more to satisfy their appetites. There’s nothing wrong with this; the main thing is to understand your body and its needs;
  • Count your carbs. We recommend setting the limits on how many carbs you typically consume. To regulate blood sugar levels, you should have a clear understanding of everything you consume and the way it affects you. You may work with your doctor to find suitable numbers.

To Sum Up the Discussion

For successful blood sugar management, it’s essential to pay attention to what you eat and regulate your diet properly to avoid blood sugar spikes. By planning all your meals properly and keeping track of what you eat, this task is more than manageable. If you have trouble planning everything on your own, we highly recommend talking to a professional nutritionist, as they can help you create the diet according to your needs and health peculiarities. And if you are curious about more exciting topics on diabetes control, we have plenty of interesting articles in the blog, so check them out to learn more.

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