The variety of products for diabetes mellitus and issues caused by it is truly impressive nowadays – blood sugar levels control, eyesight improvement, weight loss for those who gain some because of the insulin treatment, and so on. Every patient may find something for themselves with the assistance of a healthcare professional and special medical examinations and tests conducted in the hospitals.
In today’s article, we would like to discuss Byetta medication designed especially for weight loss purposes. What is it, and which patients can use this remedy? What’s the effect after administration? Why do people prefer it over some other kinds of medicines? The answer to every question (and even more) is below. Read and learn together with Insulin.Store!
As with most medications for blood sugar and weight control, injectable Byetta exenatide is a type of product that can be administered both as a solo treatment and as an addition to the patient’s main prescription medications. The solution itself needs to be transparent and colorless for the injection; the presence of sediment usually means that something is wrong with the remedy, and it cannot be used for a person.
According to the rules, any changes in a person’s routine should always be discussed with a medical professional. All because the dose of Byetta has to be calculated for each individual separately based on various factors – weight (that’s why a patient needs to tell a doctor about sudden weight gain or loss), a different exercise routine, recalculations in the main insulin dosage or a change of medications for glucose level control, and so on.
The main purpose of the medicine itself is to slow down the process of entering the bloodstream for glucose; thanks to that, appetite can be decreased, and, as followed, a person eats less. Thanks to this simple formula, it is possible to lose weight and achieve a better health condition for various types of patients.
As it was already previously mentioned, using Byetta can be prescribed as a monotherapy, as well as in combination with other medications for diabetes. Exenatide Byetta is designed for people with type 2 diabetes and may be necessary as:
It is not an over-the-counter medication, which means a valid prescription from a healthcare provider is always required in order to purchase it both online or at any local pharmacy.
The most popular and wildly used form of Byetta for blood sugar control is a pen. Comparing to other types, it is much more comfortable in exploitation, easy to administer in public places, and better to carry around in your bag (once again, we compare to vials and syringes required for the injection).
Mainly, this medication is used twice a day (an hour before breakfast and dinner); in this way, appetite is decreased and, as followed, a person eats less during the morning and evening meals. The dose of the product can be increased after a month when it is visible that the injection has a positive effect on a patient’s health condition.
In case you accidentally miss a dose, it is better to wait till the next administration and not try to catch up (for example, by using two doses instead of one). It may lead to an overdose, and this, as followed, can noticeably affect one’s well-being and overall health state.
Speaking about the appropriate areas of administration, there are a few variants here – thigh, abdomen, or upper arm, and (sometimes) buttocks. One of the most popular recommendations from specialists is to change the spot of injection after every session in order to prevent bump formation under the skin. Massaging the area can be a bad idea, so avoid doing that to prevent skin irritation and increased tenderness of the skin. Be careful not to inject the medicine into the muscle or vein; it may be painful and take some time to heal.
Any type of medication can cause some unfortunate symptoms after starting using those. That is why we would like to emphasize that you need to call your doctor for medical advice about side effects if any of those disturb you or cause discomfort.
The most common side effect that may occur is a low blood sugar episode (also known as hypoglycemia). It should be taken under control as soon as possible because, if not, it may lead to life-threatening conditions (such as diabetic coma and even death). However, if control blood sugar properly and consume needed food or drinks on time, there should be no complications at all. Glucose pills are pretty effective for such situations as well; those are available at any local pharmacy without a recipe from a doctor. Other symptoms may include headache, hunger, sweating, irritability, dizziness, etc. Those are typically gone on their own and shouldn’t cause too many problems.
However, you should call your doctor right away if you’ve noticed any sign of a severe allergic reaction. The swelling in lips, tongue or throat is usually the first symptom of this problem, so be cautious. You should also contact the specialist if such signs as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea appear.
Of course, Byetta is contraindicated to those with hypersensitivity to any component of the Byetta injection. It cannot be prescribed to people with type 1 diabetes and for diabetic ketoacidosis treatment as well.
Patients with such problems as renal failure, kidney disease, acute pancreatitis, and severe gastrointestinal diseases with concomitant gastric paresis should discuss alternative medications with their medical professionals. Byetta is not recommended for pregnant women, females during the lactation period, and underaged individuals.
However, we would like to remind you one more time that all changeі in the medical routine should always be agreed upon with a doctor to avoid any complications in the future.
Byetta for blood glucose levels control is among the most popular medications for losing weight among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It helps reduce one’s appetite and, in this way, is great support for exercising program and specially calculated diet. It can only be prescribed by a doctor after a careful medical examination. The product is available for purchase both offline and online so that everyone can choose their perfect variant. Hopefully, this article was informative and helpful. Thank you for reading, and stay safe!
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