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How Long Does It Take Saxenda to Work?

How Long Does It Take Saxenda to Work?

by Owen Clarke 29 Dec 2023

Maintaining a healthy weight can be a daunting task, especially for individuals with diabetes mellitus. It’s impossible to keep up with strict diets or follow strenuous exercise schedules, as they often go against diabetes treatments and can affect one’s well-being negatively. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to lose weight if you have blood sugar control problems. On the contrary, there are some medications that don’t affect one’s diabetes management while still providing adequate weight loss journey. One of these brands is Saxenda, which has safely gone through all the clinical trials and proved itself to be an effective product for diabetic patients. Want to learn more about this topic? Dive into this article and find out all the essentials about Saxenda!

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A Few Words About the Saxenda Brand for Weight Loss

Saxenda is a unique injectable for weight loss; it contains liraglutide, which belongs to GLP-1 receptor agonist medications. This category is well-known due to its exceptional ability to regulate appetite. GLP-1 is a hormone our bodies produce when we eat; this way, Saxenda treatment stimulates its occurrence, and thus we feel sated for longer. Combine it with a healthy diet, and you’ll receive a perfect formula for a safe, efficient, and affordable weight loss journey. Of course, all the alterations in one’s lifestyle after having Saxenda prescribed must be discussed with a doctor, as it’s the only way to have a positive experience with this medication.

A proper Saxenda treatment plan should be created together with a medical professional to see a decent effect. During the consultation, they should consider all the essential nuances, such as the initial patient’s weight, their current health situation, goals, and others. After analyzing all the details, the weight loss treatment may begin.

Saxenda Dosing for Patients’ Weight Management

When you are first prescribed a Saxenda weight loss injection, you should be ready for the first five weeks of the treatment that medical specialists often call the ‘dose-escalation’ phase. Basically, you will start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it toward the optimal dosage recommended for your personal case. Gradually increasing the amount of medication makes it easier for the body to get used to the unknown solution, build up slowly in the organism, and avoid intense adverse reactions, like gastrointestinal problems.

Typically, the dose is increased over five weeks:

  • Week 1. 0.6mg once daily;
  • Week 2. 1.2mg once daily;
  • Week 3. 1.8mg once daily;
  • Week 4. 2.4mg once daily;
  • Week 5. 3.0mg once daily.

Once the week five is reached, the treatment continues with a 3mg dose, which is a regular daily dose. After 16 weeks, a check-up appointment is scheduled with a doctor to see the therapy’s progress and decide whether any alterations should be added to the treatment plan. For a more successful outcome, follow a reduced-calorie diet and incorporate daily physical activities into a person’s routine (a reduced-calorie meal plan can be discussed with a nutritionist after all the peculiarities of one’s health statement are mentioned).

Things to Remember to Lose Weight with Saxenda

To see significant weight loss and benefit from Saxenda injections to the fullest, remember these crucial pieces of advice:

  • Be patient and let the medication work. Due to administration rules, Saxenda needs time to accumulate and start working properly. Be ready for that, and don’t expect immediate improvement after the first injection;
  • Try to use Saxenda at the same time every day. This medicine belongs to the daily type, meaning keeping up with a schedule to see a proper effect is important. Choose a time that you can remember and which would be the most convenient for the drug administration;
  • Plan a low-calorie diet. Patients’ maintained weight loss journey is incomplete without certain adjustments in their lifestyles, and regulating their eating habits is one of the most essential steps. You cannot eat sugary, fat junk food and expect a long-term success in managing your body mass;
  • Physical activity is crucial to see the improvement. If you struggle with excess weight, you must incorporate exercise into your routine. It shouldn’t be something extreme, like heavy lifting; simple pilates or yoga classes will be enough to see positive changes in the way you feel and look.
  • Understand how long does Saxenda stay in your system. Knowing this helps in managing your expectations regarding the duration and consistency of the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions Saxenda for Losing Weight

Now that we understand how long does it take for Saxenda to work and start showing the first hints of improvement, let’s look closely at some of the most common questions patients ask their doctors when considering Saxenda to lose weight. Of course, everything in this article is indicated for informational purposes only, so we highly recommend visiting a medical professional to discuss all the essentials regarding your personal case.

#1. Can Anything Affect Saxenda’s Effectiveness?

Saxenda can be affected by certain factors, just like any other medication for weight loss and blood sugar control. Various biological peculiarities, like a person’s age, metabolism, lifestyle, habits, and others, must be taken into consideration to ensure the treatment plan is created according to one’s needs, and Saxenda will work as it should once it’s incorporated into one’s routine. Each individual is unique, and we must remember that to provide a successful weight loss journey.

#2. Is It Possible to Increase the Product’s Effect?

To increase the effectiveness of Saxenda, a person should remember a few simple rules: always stick to the prescribed dose, don’t try to adjust it on your own, and remember to stay in touch with a medical professional in case any problems occur once the therapy has started. The initial body weight should also be kept in mind, as the more weight you lose, the more time is demanded for Saxenda to demonstrate significant improvement. It’s also vital to regulate your sleeping schedule and avoid stress because it can increase cortisol levels and affect general health.

#3. What Do I Do If I Don’t See Saxenda’s Improvement?

If Saxenda injections don’t provide the expected results, it’s crucial to talk to a medical professional about the achieved results. They can evaluate your situation, analyze possible causes, and adjust the treatment plan to achieve set goals. Some of the solutions here are to change the dose, switch medications, or prescribe an additional drug to use alongside Saxenda. Even though this problem is rare, it’s still crucial to calculate the steps if they occur once the Saxenda administration course has started.

SIDE NOTE: Are you interested in optimizing your weight loss journey and considering medications like Saxenda and Wegovy? Explore our article “Saxenda Vs. Wegovy for Weight Loss” for valuable insights into the comparison of these treatments, guiding you towards informed decisions for effective weight management.

The Final Word: Saxenda and Weight Loss Results

Saxenda is an excellent injectable for long-term weight loss. Once incorporated into one’s routine, this product helps control one’s appetite, manages the way glucose acts in the body, and helps people with diabetes mellitus to lose weight without risking their well-being. As with most insulin and insulin-like medicines, Saxenda can only be purchased by patients with valid medical licenses from their doctors; that’s an essential safety rule, and no exceptions can be made regarding this issue.

As for the results, the essential processes begin in the body from week one; however, up to sixteen weeks are demanded to see a noticeable improvement. Right around this time, you should visit a specialist to see whether the product works correctly and fulfills your needs. If everything goes as planned, Saxenda therapy may be continued. Keep in mind that the results will be even better if a well-planned diet and regular exercise are incorporated into your routine. Be well, and make sure to visit the blog later for more exciting discussions!

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